Due to significant inflation in Sweden, we will have to increase the rent at most of our student housing areas by 8%.
As you are no doubt aware, your rent is based on the rent that LU Accommodation pays to your landlord, as is stated in the terms and conditions (Rental Costs, bullet point no. 2):
The rent is based on the rent LU Accommodation pays for the room/apartment to the building owner on the date of the tenants' electronic signature of this contract. If the building owner modifies the rent after the start of the rental period, LU Accommodation reserves the right to modify the rent accordingly.
Our rental agreement with your landlord stipulates that rent will be adjusted according to the Swedish Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI increase between 2021 and 2022 has been announced as 10.85 %. For more information see:
We are aware of the great financial strain that many of our tenants are operating under, and regret that we cannot soften this blow further.
You will have received an email regarding this if your rent specifically is raised.
We remain at your service if you have any questions or concerns regarding this rent increase. Please contact us via email at luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (luacc[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se) if you have further queries.