Home insurance
Incoming guests, staff and interns without a Swedish personal number from the Tax Office are covered by Insurance for foreign visitors (former GIF) through Kammarkollegiet. Please read more on the staff pages on Lund University's staff pages:
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The insurance offered by ‘Student IN’, ‘FAS+’ and Insurance for foreign visitors/'GIF' has a property cover as well as a liability cover. The property and liability cover in this insurance can be equated to a home insurance policy issued by a private insurance company.
Incoming students and others that are covered by ‘Student IN’, ‘FAS+’ and Insurance for foreign visitors/ 'GIF' through Kammarkollegiet that have a housing contract with LU Accommodation do not therefore need to obtain a separate home insurance through a private insurance company in Sweden.
Guest researchers not covered by Insurance for foreign visitors (former GIF) or have/will receive a Swedish personal number, need to obtain a home insurance policy through a private home insurance company independently.
In general we recommend to have a private home insurance in either case, as the conditions are usually better as well as covers more than the home insurances which are included in the above.
More information about insurances
International staff at Lund university are covered by different insurances, please read more on the staff pages on Lund University's staff pages:
Contact Details
Researcher Accommodation
Professorsgatan 1B, Lund
Telephone hours
Telephone number: +46 46 222 08 00
Phone hours:
09:00 - 11:00
luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (luacc[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se)
NB: If you want to apply for housing please use the booking request form. Requests through e-mail will not be accepted.
For disturbances outside of office hours, please call LU Security 046-222 08 00, and press 1.