FAQ Rent
When is the rent due?
- The rent is paid in advance each month.
- You have to pay your first rent as well as the deposit before you move in.
- For students with a housing contract beginning the 9th August the deadline for the first rent is the 7th August.
- The montly rent has a fixed deadline and is usually set to the last day of the month before the rental period.
- Please note that each rental invoice is activated approximately two weeks before the payment deadline.
How do I pay the rent?
Rents will be paid in advance by logging in to your account. It is highly urgent that you make sure to bring a bank card that allows you to pay online. Please make sure that:
- Your card has the functionality to make online payments.
- Your card has no security limits or restrictions that will stop you from paying your rent online.
- Your card is valid throughout your stay in Lund.
- You have the 3-D Secure/ Verified by Visa in place and can receive security codes to you cell-phone after your arrival to Lund.
- If you are uncertain about any of the above please contact your bank to make sure you can pay your rent online throughout your stay in Lund!
Can I pay the whole amount for one term in one payment?
You can request to pay the whole amount for one term in one payment. Please contact LU Accommodation (luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (luacc[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se)) for more information on how to do this.
Refused by card issuer
I tried to pay online and got an error message stating my payment was "refused by card issuer". What does that mean? In the vast majority of cases this usually indicates either of the following
- Limits or restrictions on the card (most often geographical restrictions)
- You have a card with no access to online payments
- Not enough money available in the account
Please contact your bank and let them help you assess the problem.
Please avoid cancelling the payment transaction before it has been processed:
If the payment page is in Swedish make sure to choose "betala" (pay) and not "avbryt" (cancel). If it still does not work please explain the problem, make a print screen of what happens when you fail to pay and send it to luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se.
I tried to pay online and got the error message stating "cancelled by customer". What does that mean?
For some reason you yourself have interrupted the payment attempt. If the payment page is in Swedish make sure to choose "betala" (pay) and not "avbryt" (cancel). If it still does not work please explain the problem, make a print screen of what happens when you fail to pay and send it to luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se.
I tried to log on to my housing account and it does not work. What can I do?
- Make sure that you use the right username (email address) and password.
- If you have forgotten your password please reset your password.
- Close all tabs on the browser and wait 30 minutes before attempting to log back in.
- If still not working; close the browser, wait 30 minutes and use a different internet browser.
- If still not working; try using a different internet enabled device.
- If still not working; please take a screen shot of the error message you get when you try to log on and send it to us (luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se)

Contact details
Student Accommodation
Address: Professorsgatan 1B, Lund
luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (luacc[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone hours
+46 46 222 08 00
Our phone hours are:
Mon-Fri: 09:00 to 11:00 (AM, CET/CEST)
For disturbances outside of office hours, call the same number and press 1 to get connected to our on-call security firm.