About LU Accommodation
LU Accommodation is part of Lund University and offers accommodation for international guest researchers connected to the University amongst others.
LU Accommodation is part of Lund University and offers housing for international students and guest researchers. To be able to rent a room from LU Accommodation you have to belong to either of these groups.
A person holding a position at Lund University is not eligible to rent accommodation through LU Accommodation.
LU Accommodation does not own any of the housing areas and buildings. These are owned by private landlords, but contracts are signed between the tenant and LU Accommodation.
LU Accommodation has a wide range of different housing areas and room types. Because of the wide range of housing offered, the rooms/apartments differ in rent, location, standard and size.
We who work at LU Accommodation for international guest researchers are Hans Schiemann, Mikko Jokela Måsbäck and Sebastian Thor, and we are happy to answer any question you might have regarding your accommodation.
You are very welcome to contact LU Accommodation by e-mail or zoom, or by visiting our reception. Please note that many new tenants contact us during the end and beginning of every month and during these days it might take some extra time before we can get back to you.

Contact Details
Researcher Accommodation
Professorsgatan 1B, Lund
Telephone hours
Telephone number: +46 46 222 08 00
Phone hours:
09:00 - 11:00
NB: If you want to apply for housing please use the booking request form. Requests through e-mail will not be accepted.
For disturbances outside of office hours, please call LU Security 046-222 08 00, and press 1.