Departure check list
Below you will find the steps to properly prepare yourself and your apartment for moving out.
Move out steps
You need to complete the following steps before moving out:
1. Forward your mail
- Notify the post office to forward your mail. LU Accommodation will not forward any mail.
2. Contact Swedish tax Authorities
- Contact the Swedish tax authorities, in order to let them know that you will be moving out of your current accommodation.
- Swedish tax authorities:
3. Remove personal belongings
- Remove all furniture and other belongings which you have placed in the room during your tenancy, for example: mirrors, bedding, sheets, tables etc.
- Things that can remain are shower curtains and mattress cover/protection sheet
4. Clean
- Conduct a thorough cleaning of the room by following our cleaning instructions:
- Clean any common areas you share with corridor mates or flat mates, including throwing out your food and cleaning spaces in refrigerator, freezer and cupboards.
5. Report Faults
- Report any faults or signs of vermin by making a fault report:
6. Ready the room
- Leave the radiator at approximately level 2
- Make sure windows are closed
- Do not forget to leave the refrigerator ON!
- Turn off all lights in the room
7. Keys
- Lock the door to your room.
- Return keys before 12.00 (noon) on the last day of tenancy
Remember to return all items belonging to the keys (laundry lock, laundry key, keyfinder, laundry tag, balcony key and other items included with your keys).
Contact details
Student Accommodation
Address: Professorsgatan 1B, Lund
luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (luacc[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone hours
+46 46 222 08 00
Our phone hours are:
Mon-Fri: 09:00 to 11:00 (AM, CET/CEST)
For disturbances outside of office hours, call the same number and press 1 to get connected to our on-call security firm.