Staying with us?
Check in:
You can check in from 12:00 (noon). Collect your key card from the key box by our entrance. Codes for the key box will be sent to you before your arrival.
Check out:
You are asked to check out no later than 11:00 AM on the last day of your booking. Please drop your key card in our black post box.
You can make the payment anytime from the day of arrival. You can pay with cash or card at our reception.
Code for our free wifi will be found together with your key card in the key box upon your arrival. The code works for one device only. If you want to have access with several devices please contact the reception.
Lost keys:
If you lose your key card or forget it in your room you are welcome to the reception during 09:00 - 12:00 where we can issue you a new key card.
If you lose your key card or forget it in your room when our reception is closed you are asked to call LU-Security at +46 46 222 08 00. They will however charge you SEK 1350 for issuing a new key card.
Cleaning and upkeep:
Towels are changed once a week. Bedlinnen are changed every second week.
Any damages to the room or common areas will be charged the guest or the host department.
Any extensive cleaning of the room or common areas will be charged the guest or the host department.
Disturbances might lead to a call out. Any costs in relation to a call out will be charged the guest or the host department.
Contact details
University Guest House
Address: Tunavägen 39 A, Lund
Google Maps (new tab)
Hämtställe: 24
Visiting hours:
Mon - Fri 09:00 -12:00
Email: lu [dot] guesthouse [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (lu[dot]guesthouse[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se)