Östra Vallgatan
Östra Vallgatan in Helsingborg is one of the few acommodation LU Accommodation provides that is shared with Swedish students.
To compare different housing prices, sizes etc. please follow the link below:
Total units:
19 Corridor rooms with private WC/shower.
Rent (from January 2025):
- Approximately SEK 4 705 per month
- Tenants who stay over the summer do not pay for July and August, if they have moved in before April.
Size of rooms:
15 square metres
Tenants in the building:
A mix of Swedish and international students live in this housing area
Owner of the building:
Emergencies & disturbances outside office hours:
Call LU-Security 046-222 08 00
Distance to Campus Helsingborg:
Approximately 1,5 km
Commute to Lund Central:
The commuting time to Lund (Central station) is approximately 45 minutes. The monthly commuting cost to Lund, with a student discount is SEK 900.
Commute to Malmö:
The commuting time to Malmö (Triangeln station), is approximately 75 minutes. The monthly commuting cost to Malmö, with a student discount, is SEK 900.
Internet is included in the rent
At Östra Vallgatan you receive a key, an electronic tag (entrance and laundry) and a postal key. You can find more information about keys through the link below:
Nearest supermarket:
Coop Konsum, Kopparmöllegatan 5
How to report a fault or problem in your room:
Report your problem online on our website:

Östra Vallgatan
Östra Vallgatan 11, 254 37 Helsingborg